【1Day 28July】 Itinerary
Nikko National park ”Nasushiobara retreat"Jorney through spirituality & Nature

Shiobara Onsen Kawasaki Daishi Yakuyoke Fudo Son Nensai

8:00, for those arriving by train, we will pick you up at JR Nasu Shiobara Station.

Adorned in splendid robes, monks and pilgrims alike will lead the procession to our destination, ascending the mountainside. Upon arrival, you'll find yourself in a world far removed from the mundane.
As The sacred ceremony begins,you'll witness and partake in fascinating traditional rituals, including prayers and the burning of Goma wood. 

Lunch at a Traditional Japanese Restaurant

Enjoy lunch at a traditional soba noodle restaurant, where elegance meets taste.  Savor the healthy and refreshing taste of tempura soba, made with 100% locally sourced, nutrient-rich vegetables. It's a dining experience that not only nourishes the body but also enriches the spirit.

Mikaeri no Taki (Mikaeri falls)

After lunch, we'll visit one of Nasu Shiobara's highlights – its waterfalls, a marvel in an area boasting over 100 cascades. Crossing the suspension bridge offers a breathtaking view, so captivating that it earned the name 'Mikaburi Waterfall,' meaning 'the waterfall you'll look back at again and again.' This spot is also renowned for activities such as kayaking and stand-up paddleboarding. 

Myounji temple・Michi-no-Eki

During the Kamakura period, after losing a battle, the shogun Taira no Shigemori's aunt, Myōun Zen-ni, fled from Kyoto to this area and built this temple. It is a venerable temple with a history of over 800 years. It is famously the only building in Shiobara that survived the ravages of the Boshin War, which engulfed all of Japan. The ceiling, which reveals why it remained unscathed, is not to be missed.

This April, the local souvenir shop "Meigi no Mori Michi-no-Eki" was renewed, offering unique souvenirs found nowhere else, along with fresh vegetables and fruits.

At 15:30 we will escort you back to Nasu Shiobara Station.


3 Exclusive Benefits


Your guide Ann-chan, with Experience in Over 30 Countries 

Ann-chan is a native of Nasu Shiobara, having lived in Tokyo for 32 years and is a former commercial production director. With a background of experiences across the globe, she's a unique guide. Always bright and energetic, she never fails to keep her clients smiling.

Photo Session with ”Kansu" the Head Priest

At Kawasaki Daishi, where numerous monks perform their duties, the highest rank among them is the head priest, known as the 'Kansu.' Meeting the Kansu is a rare opportunity, so much so that people come from Tokyo just for a chance to take a photo with him. Securing this photo is incredibly precious, guaranteed to be a once-in-a-lifetime memory.

Exclusive Access to "Hifumi-mamori", a Special Protective "Ofuda"(A Japanese talisman in the shape of a wooden board)

Here, you can purchase a unique "Ofuda"  Japanese talisman available only at this location. Named 「Hifuse Mamori」,this is a talisman renowned for its efficacious protection.

You can also obtain a Ofuda  personalized with your name (advance reservations only).

Ofuda Small : ¥5,000
Ofuda Medium : ¥7,000
Ofuda Large : ¥10,000
Ofuda Medium with gold& silver "mizuhiki":¥20,000
Ofuda Large with gold& silver "mizuhiki": ¥30,000

※About "Ofuda" ...Japanese Talismans are part of traditional Japanese culture, symbolizing blessings and protection received  from Buddhas and gods. They embody an invisible force that serves as a mental support in daily life, believed to bring positive effects. Talismans are made of paper or wood and are typically in the form of a flat plate.

※About "mizuhiki"... Mizuhiki is a traditional Japanese decorative knotting craft used on gift-wrapping and ceremonial occasions.




Shiobara, where this event takes place, is located within Nikko National Park.
Nikko, famous for attractions such as Toshogu Shrine, is very close from here.
It takes as little as 55 mins from JR Nasushiobara Station (90 mins by local train).

Therefore, we strongly recommend planning to visit Nikko on the days before or after the event. 
Open to anyone healthy enough for mountain walking, regardless of gender or age

【Languages Supported】
English , Japanese & Germany

【Meeting Place & Time】
8:30  'Shiobara Onsen Monogatari-kan', 747 Shiobara, Nasu Shiobara City, Tochigi
8:00  Nasu Shiobara Station (Pick-up service available for those arriving by train)

【Participation Fee】
One Day Trip: ¥45,000/P (Includes insurance, 1lunch and bus fare)

Regarding the payment, we will provide guidance via email after confirming your application.

【Cancellation Policy】
The following fees will apply:
Cancellation 3 days before the event (7/25): 70%
Cancellation 2 days before the event (7/26) onwards: 100%

【Questions & Requests 】
Feel free to email us at

"Nasu shiobara Retreat"
A Journey Through Spiriyuality and Nature

1-day trip
  • ¥40,000
  • 販売価格
  • 1,000円
  • (税込)

shiobara vivaは、那須塩原市の地域おこしの一助となるべく活動をしています。各地の地方が元気で豊かになり、地方から日本全国が活力で満ち溢れることを願っています。

ツアーデスク:shiobara viva  栃木県那須塩原市南町7-13
tel:080-3487-1015  mail:vivaviva315@gmail.com